We, the former crew members of the Destroyer, UNITED STATES SHIP COGSWELL (DD-651)with the aims of: promoting and enhancing the memory and preserving the heritage of this guardian of freedom, and promote camaraderie, respect, and fellowship among its members, and provide the means by which this camaraderie, respect and fellowship may be continued through the years, and uphold the principles and purpose of good citizenship by dedicating our allegiance to the United States of America and fidelity to its Constitution and Laws, and provide the means by which these aims can be continued throughout the years, do hereby establish, enact, publish and adopt these bylaws for and on behalf of the USS COGSWELL (DD-651) ASSOCIATION.


The name of this association shall be the USS COGSWELL (DD-651) ASSOCIATION.  Herein referred to as “THE ASSOCIATION.”  


THE ASSOCIATION shall be an unincorporated, fraternal, nonprofit organization, not affiliated with the U .S. Department of the Navy, which has as its sole purpose and intent the scheduling and conducting, at intervals to be determined by its membership, reunions and meetings of shipmates, and the establishment of communication within its membership, all as set forth in the Preamble of these bylaws.


The operating year of THE ASSOCIATION shall be from January 1 through December 31, each year.  


Full membership in THE ASSOCIATION shall be available to all former members of the ship’s company of USS COGSWELL (DD-651) during any period of commissioned service, family members or relatives of former ship’s company.


 The officers of THE ASSOCIATION shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.  Officers shall be drawn from the membership and elected by a simple majority during the final business meeting at each reunion held by the membership.  Officers shall serve until a successor is elected and installed.  If an office becomes vacated for any reason, before the next election, the vacancy may be filled by appointment by the President of THE ASSOCIATION.


The direction of THE ASSOCIATION shall be vested in the Board of Directors, which board shall consist of the elected officers; two at-large representatives and THE ASSOCIATION past-Presidents.  The board members shall be responsible for presentation of items for discussion and member concerns to be brought up at the next scheduled reunion, to the President.


Annual dues for THE ASSOCIATION year or any part thereof shall be at a rate to be determined by the general membership, as required for the financial stability of the Association, except that dues received from new members after November 1st will be credited to the following year.  Dues shall be payable to USS COGSWELL (DD-651) ASSOCIATION.


 THE ASSOCIATION shall conduct general business meetings of its general membership during regular scheduled reunions at which time reports from officers and matters of concern submitted by members and the Board of Directors may be discussed.  The general membership meeting shall also include an election of officers and appointment of area representatives, as required.  The Board of Directors of THE ASSOCIATION shall conduct no less than one meeting at each scheduled reunion, and such other “called” meetings the President may deem appropriate and/or necessary.


Reunions shall be scheduled on a regular basis as a means to promote camaraderie, respect and fellowship among THE ASSOCIATION members.  Nominations for the dates, frequency, and sites of future reunions will be determined by member surveys.  Final selection of inclusive dates and site for the reunions will be determined by the majority vote from the surveys.  


A.) PRESIDENT -The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of THE ASSOCIATION.  He shall be the presiding officer at all meetings of THE ASSOCIATION general membership and Board Of Directors and shall prepare an agenda for each ASSOCIATION general membership meeting.  He shall be authorized to sign checks. 

B.) VICE-PRESIDENT -The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in his absence.  

C.) SECRETARY -The Secretary shall maintain an accurate list of members of THE ASSOCIATION. The Secretary shall issue all notices necessary to the membership and shall handle all official correspondence for THE ASSOCIATION as directed by the President.  The Secretary shall record the minutes and keep a record of transactions at each general membership meeting and meetings of the Board of Directors.  

D.) TREASURER – The Treasurer shall be responsible for the receipt, control, disbursement and accounting of all funds of THE ASSOCIATION.  The Treasurer shall render such financial reports as may be prescribed by the President.  He shall be authorized to sign checks. 

E.) BOARD OF DIRECTORS -A Board of Directors consisting of the elected officers and at-large representatives shall provide advice and consent and direct the business and financial affairs of THE ASSOCIATION as prescribed by the President.


These bylaws may be amended at any scheduled general business meeting by a two thirds (b) majority vote by those ASSOCIATION members present.

These bylaws are hereby approved and adopted on __October 19, 2002___